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March 2020

Hi Sarah,


I've just read the report and it actually made me cry! It's very different knowing Jack and reading someone's report on him. It's brilliant, in just 3 hours I think you've understood Jack so well. The work you've done is fantastic and I just want to take this opportunity to say how thankful we are. We think the outlines you've made will be very helpful to Jack in the coming years and will definitely help his progress.

Thanks again​

Jack's Mum

An assessment may show that a student is not in fact dyslexic. This often gives students and parents clarity of the difficulties being experienced. The specific recommendations can still support self-esteem, learning and progress.  


November 2020

Dear Sarah,

Thank you so much for this report. We have found it incredibly helpful and informative. In fact, she has become really determined to crack her spelling, since hearing she is not in fact dyslexic.

Elizabeth’s mum


June 2021

I found your report a relief as you have interpreted Rose well and provided explanation to areas I was concerned about and struggling to understand. Thank you once again!  

Kind Regards

Rose's Mum


October 2021

Hi Sarah

Thank you so much for this report. It is extremely thorough and helpful both in terms of the recommendations & my understandings of Joseph's difficulties. I feel like everything has now fallen into place now we have the missing piece of the jigsaw. 


April 2023

Hi Sarah

Thank you for completing Evie's assessment and for providing a thorough report so timely. I would just like to also praise how much you welcomed us and made Evie feel at ease for the assessment 

Best wishes

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